Track And Field
AYA Trojans
What are the benefits for AYA Track and Field? AYA Track and Field will impact our youths mentally, physically, emotionally, and show them they’re capable of great things with hard work and discipline.
2024 NGYLTF High Point MVP’S
T - R - O - J - A - N
If you are tired of running circles around the track and enjoy nature, then AYA cross-country wants you!
“Track is therapeutic for athletes. It keeps them moving, gives them goals, and develops mental toughness.” - Coach Danny Riddle
Elite Athletic Training for Track and Field
Congratulations to The Trojans young women who made the ride to 2024 AAU Junior Olympics in Greensboro, NC. Ma’Kaya Ellis represented 15-16 women in the Heptathalon and 100m hurdles. Jainayah Dixon represented 13 years old girls in the 400m turbo-javelin.
“Hard Work Beats Talent When
Talent Fails To Work Hard”
Triple Jump
“Your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is.”
Need the kids to be active in something meaningful? Come be part of the North Georgia Youth Spring Track League Champions Family! A family that has athletes whom are All-Americans and National Champion in the Junior Olympics. AYA, Inc Track Club will be starting our 16th season. Our season starts January 9th and is open to youth of all abilities ages 4-18.
We will follow CDC, local and state COVID-19 safety guidelines which will be updated as the season progresses. The safety of our athletes and their families are a priority. Please feel free to contact us or more information. GO TROJANS!!